Remember, Microsoft are the ones who changed the layout mapping, NOT Nintendo, they had this setup since the Super Nintendo. But if you think about it, a 360 controller has X and A NEAR the right joystick, even though the Wii U Pro Controller is a different layout, X and A are also NEAR the right joystick. You would have to memorize the button layout because the letters won't match up if they flipped the mapping. It wouldn't make sense, games with Quick Time Events that ask you to press "A" on a 360 controller wouldn't magically visually change it to "B" Icon on screen to match the Wii U Pro, it would still say "A", and then you would have to remember to press "B" on the U Pro. They actually can not release the "correct" mapping. I hope KeyPuncher finds a way without vJoy. Other wise, it makes a good Dinput device for the Wii U Pro.
If the main reason you want to buy this adapter is to replace the Xbox 360 controller to play Windows games with a Wii U Pro controller, I would NOT recommend it, or at least wait until they fix the button layout problem. while in Xinput mode, the X and Y buttons are switched with one another and so are the A and B. In Xinput the controller is recognized as an Xbox 360 Controller, the force feedback and every button works including the Home button, BUT. You can switch to and from Xinput/Dinput on the fly without disconnecting device, just flip the switch on the adapter. Syncs fast and power button turns off controller while adapter goes into standby mode press any button to wake controller. Dinput mode works great, up to 4 controllers at once, LED indicates the player and controller number. Just got the adapter and took it for a test drive.